
Floppy hat & denim dress

by - 12:01 PM

I'm so obsessed with this denim dress and floppy hat. They're basically on repeat and definitely my favorite this spring! There's just so many different ways to style these!

Btw I got both of these pieces on sale! This adorable denim dress was only $5 at Rue 21 and this floppy was only $7 at Target on clearance! Who's says you can't be styling on a budget!? I love finding great deals like these! Clearance is my bestie when it comes to finding affordable pieces!

This dress is one of the comfiest dresses I own. The material is seriously so soft and it's perfect for a day outside or anywhere honestly. You can totally dress it up or dress it down. It will still be adorable either way!

I paired my rose gold fossil watch, my Michael Kors purse, and my Rue 21 wedges with this outfit. Sorry I don't remember where the sunnys are from!
It was such a beautiful day out! A little windy but still perfect! I love days spent with my love. He so generous enough to spend some time taking pictures for me. I know I'm not the only one who gets a little.. okay A lot bossy when getting pictures taken ;)  I don't know how he puts up with me. But I'm so glad he does.
We decided today was a grilling kind of day! Seriously the best days! I love sitting outside with the smell from the grill and listening to some old country songs. No better way to spend an afternoon!

With Love, Chelsey

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