
Easy Last Minute Halloween Costume Idea: Lion

by - 11:42 AM

Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has some pre-Halloween festivities planned for this weekend. Today I'm sharing this easy lion look, perfect for a last minute costume idea. Btw this is definitely my favorite Halloween look everr and is for sure what I'm going to be this year. 
I already had my foundation and brows done before hand and then I decided to start with my contour first. You can honestly contour wherever you choose, I stuck with just my cheekbones, the sides of my nose, jawline and the sides of my forehead. I didn't go too harsh with it just stay on the safe side, but I did eventually go a bit darker.

Next, Highlighting the inner part of my face. This part isn't very necessary, you can do without but it does accentuate my contour a lot more. I am using a white concealer stick (any brightening concealer would work just fine) and applying it to the middle of my forehead, down the bridge of my nose, and my chin.

Now on to the fun part! I took an eyeliner pencil and drew an M above and around my nostrils and then filled it in. Next, I drew a line from my nose to my cupid's bow and from that line I drew a triangle on my top lip. I then just drew three dots on each side of that line. You can of course add as many as you'd like :)
I then took that concealer again and applied it to my bottom lip. The black does start to transfer over the white but it's not a bad look either!

Now the eyes! I only applied eyeshadow to the crease and outer crease of my lid to make my eyes appear bigger. I applied a light brown shade in my crease and a black to my outer crease and then blended them both together. 

I then took the white concealer again and created a white line beneath my bottom lash line extending out past my eye to where my brow ends. Underneath the white, I took a dark brown and created another line.
Lastly, I drew a wing that extended past my inner top lash line connecting to my inner corner and on to my water line. I applied false eyelashes and did any finishing touches I felt were needed. I ended up deepening my cheekbones with black eyeshadow creating more chiseled and defined cheekbones. 

Hair and outfit

For my hair I used A LOT of hairspray and teasing.
For my outfit I just wore a tan sweater, leggings, and booties.
You can of course jazz it up with a tail and ears or any way that you'd like!

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