1 Year of Marriage
"& I thought I loved you then"

Today marks one year. One year of marriage with my best friend, my other half, my soul mate, my forever. I can't believe it's been this long already. It sure flew by. But time flies when you're having fun, right ;) and I sure have had a blast with David by my side.
I can still remember every little detail of our wedding day. It was the most perfect day of my life. From my dress, to saying "I do", and having probably the most perfect weather ever, not to mention we decided to get married in the rainiest month EVER! It was supposed to rain that day and had been raining pretty much that whole week. We were for sure blessed that it turned out to be so perfect.
April 23, 2016 was meant for us.
April 23, 2016 was meant for us.
But I will also NEVER forget how nervous I was. Being terrified of tripping on my dress while walking down the aisle, messing up my vows, which I did by the way ;), and embarrassing myself on our first dance, which I also did. I knew we should have taken dance classes. But none of those things seemed to matter once they happened because I was marrying my best friend.
Marriage is such a beautiful thing.
You'll always have someone to go through life with, through the good and the bad. You get to share your happiness with them. You have them to lean on when you need it and hold you through the tough times and to celebrate the great times with. You get to grow old and experience life together.
You learn to love more than you ever thought possible. And that love grows stronger each and everyday day.
You'll always have someone to go through life with, through the good and the bad. You get to share your happiness with them. You have them to lean on when you need it and hold you through the tough times and to celebrate the great times with. You get to grow old and experience life together.
You learn to love more than you ever thought possible. And that love grows stronger each and everyday day.
David, there's so many adventures we've already experienced together and so many more to come.
So many new things we've learned about life and about each other and there is still much more to learn. There definitely have been ups and downs in our relationship. Many arguments and many times where we said things we didn't mean. We sure have our differences. But there also has been many laughs and so many great moments together. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so blessed to be on this adventure with such a sweet, kind hearted man.
Our love grows more and more each day.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.