
Outfit of the Day: Beach Day

by - 10:04 AM

  The weather is getting a lot warmer here and it looks like it's going to stay, thank goodness! The cold just isn't for me. Don't get me wrong, I like my fair share of the chilly weather, but it's mainly just for the outfits and bonfires;)  I'm so ready for spring and summer. So many beach days and adventures to come. Also, I know I'm not the only one that feels more productive in the warmer weather! No more excuses to spend weekends cuddled up in bed watching Netflix all day;).

 The weather was too perfect not to go out and do something. My husband also just got his new truck, and you know men and their trucks. He just might love that truck more than me;). We decided to pack a lunch and take it for a little day trip down to the beach. Of course it's still too cold to get in the water, but the view is still absolutely beautiful! We decided to have a picnic on the tailgate of the truck right on the beach!

I never thought I'd have the chance to drive on the beach before but it was definitely a pretty fun experience! I can definitely see us going plenty more times for more picnics and fishing. I also thought I'd take advantage of the gorgeous view to get some cute photos! I got to say, my husband can take some amazing pictures! I'm lucky he actually enjoys it too, well maybe not after the 50th photo taken of the same pose ;).

Today I decided to wear this cute and comfy outfit that's perfect for a windy beach day. These dark wash skinny jeans are from forever 21. I got them for only $8! This cute off the shoulder key hole top is from wet seal. And my cardigan is from Aeropostale. I'm so in love with this cardigan. I get so much use out of it. Every girl needs an oversized cardigan! I decided to pair these cute sunnys and my favorite fedora with this outfit! I can't wait to wear a cute pair of shorts with this outfit! I don't know about ya'll, but I have the hardest time finding shorts that I actually like and fit me well. Most shorts aren't as flattering on me as I'd like. I'm definitely on the hunt for a good pair of jean shorts! 

So many more posts to come! From beauty and fashion to lifestyle! I'm having so much fun with it. I can't wait to see what's to come!

With love, Chelsey.

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